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Monday, October 25, 2010

Spaghetti Meatball Marinara

I am in research of a few dishes for my dad's cafe and I am stuck! I don't really know the type of food for cafe and the size of the portion for each dish. I asked some of my friends and told me that it should be western and the portion should be small. I have posted 1 food, the Thai Chicken Patty, though it's Asian dish, but I like the size of the portion. For the second dish, I decided to take on Spaghetti Meatball Marinara. It is very cheap! All I used for the sauce were only onions, ripe tomatoes,shallot, garlic and water.
So what I did was :

I made tomato concasse, procedure: cut X shape on the bottom of the tomatoes, and blanch them in boiling water briefly, say 10 to 15 seconds. Remove them and shock in cold water to stop carryover cooking. Peel off, deseed ( but do not throw away them ), and roughly chop.
End product of tomato concasse
Roughly Chopped Shallot
This is the juice that I collected from the jelly-like thingy in the tomatoes that many chefs throw away.  Heston Blumenthal , 2nd best chef in the world, said that the jelly-like-flesh in the tomatoes contain the most umami or MSG as we know. That will boost the meatiness in anything that we cook. Since then, I never thrown them away anymore. Save cost but tiring. Procedure for this: Collect all of them, put in strainer on top of a bowl, and sprinkle with salt. The salt will absorb all the juice out of the jelly and drip into the bowl. This is what you get.

This is a mixture of water and tomato sauce. I add some water into my almost-empty-tomato sauce bottle, gave a few shakes and pour into measuring jug. Don't wanna waste anything.

I added a few tablespoon of tomato sauce to enhance the marinara sauce flavour
Minced garlic
Diced onion

I sweat the onion until it was translucent. I am not sure whether or not it should be browned. I need advice on this.

I then added in the garlic and shallot, and cook them for several minutes without giving any colour

Next, I tossed in the tomato concasse together with the juices and tomato sauce

Cooked them until it turned darker red. When it was already reduced up to half, I added the mixture of water and tomato sauce

Simmered until it reduced and thickened to the right consistency. I seasoned after I have got the desired consistency.

This is the end product of the spaghetti meatball marinara.

I will post the recipe for the meatball. The meatball is actually very simple. So, how is the taste of the sauce ? I actually did not really like it since it was my first trial. My friend told me that the sauce tasted like tap water. F**k him. Just kidding. Maybe I needed to add more cheese onto it. I tried adding butter and it actually tasted much much better, but the sauce colour faded and became unpleasant. Guys, please advice!

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