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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chocolate Souffle Trial no. 2

Finally, for the first time ever, I tried a chocolate souffle outside. I just had it @ Bakerzin. It was costy, S$9.50, but the taste was just worth the money.

This is the best chocolate souffle I have ever tried. Why am I so sure that this souffle is the best I have ever tried ? Because last night I just ate the worst chocolate souffle, and it was my souffle!

The chocolate souffle was extremely light, but didn't have eggy taste or cake-like texture. The texture of it was VERY light and fluffy. When I piereced the centre, the steam escaped. SMOOTH! The interior was moist but not wet.The chocolate flavour was perfect for me as it was not too sweet nor too bland. The souffle came with vanilla ice cream that balanced the heat from the souffle. It was like hot and cold all together on one palate. Peanust were served as garnish on the top of the souffle, it added crunchiness to the light-texture. Unfortunately, the souffle didn't raise upstraight, instead it raised to its side. So, tonight I am going to redo the research on my own souffle recipe. I have to achieve the same or even better light,fluffy texture, with the right sweetness of chocolate flavour. It just gets harder. let see what will the outcome be later. Gonna update again later.
UPDATE: I just did the 2nd trial of making souffle.
I have modified the recipe as follow:
150g               chocolate
40g                 cocoa powder
30g                 corn flour
30g                 sugar
100ml             water
5ml                 lemon juice
4                    egg white       

There is no difference in the method that I used, but the mixture that I made was more runny than before which I expected to give a lighter and puffy texture. I did not grated the chocolate like in the first trial as i dont wanna have a grainy texture on my souffle.The 1st trial called for 40g of corn flour and I changed it to 30g for a less thicker paste. I baked the souffle at 180 degree Celcius for exactly 10 minutes.

The first minute after I popped the souffle into the oven
After 4 minutes
6 minutes
End Results
The result that I achieved was quite satisfying as it raised upstraight, though a little bit slanted. The texture of it was very light and fluffy. The surface was smooth. It raised well but did not achieve the height that I wanted. Unfortunately, the taste of it was a little bit floury. I think I got to cook the flour a little bit longer. However, the outer part was quite crispy, but not good enough. Overall, the 2nd trial has produced a much better result than the 1st one, but I still like Bakerzin's chocolate souffle much better.

I am going to do the 3rd final trial and I will include plating. I have to get the best result on the final trial. I will include a egg-yolk-based sauce, so that I can utilize every single part of the egg. Other than that, I will also include the scientific theory of making souffle that I get from internet and books for a better understanding. Please comment and give some suggestion for a better improvement, whoever you are!

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